
I offer mentoring as a way of giving my exclusive attention to those who are looking to grow their career, professional or creative practices, be it therapeutic or writing.

This is in response to the many enquiries I receive about taking therapy outside, publishing books, or forging a career path along a hitherto unknown trail. I am a career changer, and have blended many weird and wonderful trainings over the last two decades into my private practice of today. I am excited to share what I’ve learnt, and help you develop your own way. My approach has developed over many years, through a commitment to curiosity and my own personal development. My biggest advice is to not be afraid of what makes you you.

Are you building your therapeutic private practice and in need of some guidance or creative inspiration? Are you looking to take your work outside but have questions? Would you like to explore next steps through creative methods, tarot or dream-tending? For this, or any other aspect of my work that speaks to you, I offer professional mentoring on an ad hoc basis.

To find out more about my working style please take a look at my therapy page as this will give you a jist of my approach.

Once you have expressed an interest I will be in touch by email about what you’re looking for, and we will have an initial session to check out working fit before putting further sessions into the diary on an ad-hoc month-by-month basis.

Grab hold of your threads and weave them. Your journey is yours to make, but we do not have to make our journeys alone. A good mentor can be transformative

Why mentoring?

  • I feel lost and don’t know how to proceed with my path

  • I have run out of inspiration and need a helping hand

  • I could do with running my ideas past someone who has done this before

  • I have ideas I want to explore

  • I need a second pair of eyes on my new project

  • I have a lot of ideas and I don’t know where to go next

  • I feel like I’m on my own

  • I could do with the benefit of someone else’s experience

These sessions can be held outside or online (including longer sessions in the Peak District) and are from* £75/hour for regular sessions or £150 for a one-off or book-mentoring session.

Together we will work out what you’re looking for, how I can help, and build from there.

*mentoring starts at £75/hour session for 2024/25. For these sessions we will meet and take the planning of our work together from there. Book mentoring begins at £150 to account for a session plus reading of work (up to 3000 words plus outline+structure etc) beforehand for which the mentee usually seeks feedback - verbal and written.